Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
> In article >, "Rachael of Nex, the Wiccan
> Rat" > wrote:
> > Ta. ;-) It's all new to me, this canning stuff. But boy, does it feel
> > good. I keep looking at the jars (and at my boyfriend scoffing bits
> > of bread and jelly from the jar I put in the fridge for eating now)
> > and thinking "I did that !"
> (hikes up pants) Well, folks, we hooked another one! "-)
Awesome. She can have my seat.
In the next few weeks I'll be going offline for a bit - moving across
country, spending some time living with the inlaws - no idea where or
when I'll be canning again, hopefully not very long. No canning at this
point, we've been using stuff up for the last couple months. I'm sure
we'll still have a few jars of relish and jam and jelly coming across
with us. My mother-in-law grew up with her mother canning; I'm hoping
she wants to reminisce more actively once I'm there.