Sea scallop dinner
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Ed Pawlowski
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Sea scallop dinner
On 6/14/2015 9:13 AM,
> On Sun, 14 Jun 2015 07:53:06 -0400, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>> Our local seafood store had dry pack sea scallops so I picked up a
>> pound of them for dinner. The supermarket had a bag of small
>> potatoes, yellow, red, purple that just looked good. In the end, they
>> don't taste any different than the big ones, but they do look good on
>> the plate.
>> We had:
>> sea scallops with orange butter sauce
>> potatoes
>> garden salad with local lettuces
>> naan bread (heated over the flame on the stove)
>> sauvignon blanc wine
>> For the two of us, this would have been easily a $100 meal for two at
>> a fancy restaurant.
>> The orange butter sauce I've made often. Sear the scallops in a pan
>> with a generous helping of butter. When cooked, plate the scallops. To
>> the pan, add a bit more butter if needed. Add a tablespoon of frozen
>> orange juice concentrate and a big splash of your favorite orange
>> liquor. Deglaze the pan, reduce a bit, and pour over the scallops.
>> At dinner time is was about 75 degrees on the deck. Nice evening.
> I like the idea of doing the scallops that way, have that saved. In
> return here's a scallop recipe that is seasonal to fresh peaches, not
> the same with canned at all.
> Scallops with Peaches
> Ingredients:
> 25 ml butter
> 454 g of scallops
> 15 ml lemon juice
> 1 ml freshly ground pepper
> 4 strips of partially cooked bacon
> 5 fresh peaches (peeled and quartered) or 796 ml of canned peaches
> well drained
> 125 ml grated Swiss Cheese
> Butter 2l pan or casserole. Add scallops and sprinkle with lemon juice
> and pepper.
> Top with peaches, then bacon and finally cheese. Bake at 180 degrees
> Celsius for 15-20 minutes until cheese is melted and scallops are
> opaque in colour and just cooked through.
> Yield: Serves 4
Never thought of peaches that way. I have to wait until next month to
get the local ones.
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Ed Pawlowski
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