On Sunday, June 7, 2015 at 2:20:51 PM UTC-4, wrote:
> From WBUR. Some of the prices don't sound any better than what I can get at the discount rack at Market Basket (canned goods, in that section) or at Haymarket (produce; that's only on Fridays and Saturdays) but if I can get a deal on baking chocolate and walnuts, it might be worth a trip every two months or so. I wonder how many other cities have stores like this.
> http://www.wbur.org/2015/06/04/dorch...-grocery-story
> By Curt Nickisch
> First paragraphs:
> Is it worth buying groceries at a steep discount if they have a shorter shelf life? A new grocery store in Dorchester is finding out. It opened its doors Thursday with shelves full of surplus and aging food.
> Called Daily Table, the nonprofit grocery store just outside of Codman Square is selling canned vegetables two for $1, a dozen eggs for 99 cents, and potatoes at 49 cents a pound.
> "That's good. It's cheap!" Noemi Sosa says, marveling at the prices that for Boston are phenomenally low. Most of the stock is donated by food wholesalers and markets. It either didn't sell, or it's surplus.
> "As you can see right here we've got a pile of bananas at 29 cents a pound," explains Doug Rauch, the former Trader Joe's president who founded Daily Table. "They're Chiquita bananas, there's no little black spots on them. Those probably have another three or four days before you start to go, 'Oh, banana bread!'"
> Rauch was frustrated by the amount of nutritious food that went into dumpsters at Trader Joe's just because it was nearing its sell-by date. Meanwhile, millions of people don't eat very well. But Rauch had to fight the critics, who said he was just dumping food rejected by rich people on the poor....
Another article about Daily Table, from today's Boston Globe:
The assertion that they're "selling food that ought to be given out free"
is akin to judging charities solely on how low their overhead expenses are.
Silvar Beitel