roasted vegetables
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La Mirada
external usenet poster
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roasted vegetables
On 6/16/2015 4:05 AM,
> On Tuesday, June 16, 2015 at 12:29:02 AM UTC-5, La Mirada wrote:
>>> In article >,
>>> sf > wrote:
>>>> I roast vegetables a lot, in fact I roasted asparagus for dinner last
>>>> night - but I never preheat my baking sheet and that needs to change!
>>> If you roast them in a cast-iron pan, then preheating makes some sense.
>>> If you use a thin metal sheet pan, then it doesn't make any difference,
>>> because the pan can't hold enough heat to do anything useful.
>>> Isaac
>> Um no, it really can. The temperature of the pan is still well above room.
>> It will add sear from below. I've done it and seen it.
> I roasted to pans of vegetables Sunday afternoon.
> After being in the oven for 30 minutes I took the pans
> out and stirred and flipped the vegetables as best I
> could and rotated them as well. I did some carrots, 3
> potatoes and SKINNY asparagus along with 5 pounds of
> onions. The asparagus burned it was so darn slender but
> everything else is delish.
Right, but did you pre-heat the pans?
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La Mirada
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