On 6/18/2015 7:12 AM, Bruce wrote:
> On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 05:34:32 -0700 (PDT), Michelle
> > wrote:
>> On Wednesday, June 17, 2015 at 8:29:14 PM UTC-5, La Mirada wrote:
>>> On 6/17/2015 6:29 PM, wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 09:58:49 +1000, Bruce > wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 08:01:04 +1000, Jeßus
>>>>> > wrote:
>>>>>> On Thu, 18 Jun 2015 06:29:21 +1000, Bruce > wrote:
>>>>>>> Bourdain has a team that tell him where to go and what to say.
>>>>>>> Bourdain has become what he once (Kitchen Confidential) loathed: a TV
>>>>>>> head.
>>>>>>> Bourdain's a poser.
>>>>>>> Any other questions?
>>>>>> Which TV chefs /don't/ fit that definition (being a poser)?
>>>>>> Not many... if any at all.
>>>>> True, but in the book that started his fame, he describes how much he
>>>>> hates those types.
>>>> No real surprise there if he's made it to television. As he has.
>>>>>> Bourdain also has that NY manner going on as well, which I can't
>>>>>> stand. He kind of creeps me out a little.
>>>>> But it doesn't come naturally to him. He has a post-it note on his
>>>>> bathroom mirror. "Note to self: remember that you're a tough, cynical
>>>>> guy from the big city".
>>>> Yes... that's the kind of thing I was referring to.
>>> Why don't you two shrimps take your jealous Auzzie snark and berloody
>>> **** the hell off!
>> I don't care for him either - I tried to read Kitchen Confidential, but
>> couldn't get past the first 3 or so chapters. I will agree that
>> he works hard at being a writer. That was part of what made the book such
>> a slog for me - I could see how HARD he was working at writing. Also,
>> he strikes me as a cynical gasbag, more interested in making a snarky
>> comment than anything else.
> I like that Bourdain speaks his mind, as opposed to some travelling tv
> chefs who love love love everything. But Bourdain can be downright
> rude to people who are, basically, helping him make his show. Or he
> puts them down afterwards in his voice-over.
Your idea of what you believe constitutes(for him) a "put down" is
laughable hypocritical after the hatchet work you've done here on
various things American.
Bugger off, toady.
>> I'm not sure why you have such a violent reaction to some stranger
>> on the internet not agreeing with your taste in television. "Darned good
>> tv" is, obviously, a matter of personal taste.
> Because, for some demented reason, he sees it as an attack on his
> country, even though he constantly puts down Australia himself. Not
> that I care
Chicken-egg mate, YOU and the rabbit-killer came after US first.
I just know enough about to Oz to speak to your particularly convoluted
culture with something approaching resident acumen.
Sucks when you get gut-punched back doesn't it, shrimpy?