Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
>Bread Pudding
>8 ounces of stale bread
>4 ounces raisins or currants
>2 ounces brown sugar (you could try the treacle)
>2 ounces finely chopped suet
>1 ounce finely chopped peel
>1/2 teaspoon (total) mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves)
>1 egg
>A little milk
Never having made bread pudding, but having tried and enjoyed a
"southern" version with raisins and diced apples, I have 2 questions...
What does the suet do for the pudding, and can it just as easily be left
What sort of "peel"? (This may sound silly to Englishmen, but I haven't
heard of "peel" as an ingredient.)