"Petey the Wonder Dog" > wrote in message
> Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
> >Bread Pudding
> >8 ounces of stale bread
> >4 ounces raisins or currants
> >2 ounces brown sugar (you could try the treacle)
> >2 ounces finely chopped suet
> >1 ounce finely chopped peel
> >1/2 teaspoon (total) mixed spice (cinnamon, nutmeg, cloves)
> >1 egg
> >A little milk
> Never having made bread pudding, but having tried and enjoyed a
> "southern" version with raisins and diced apples, I have 2 questions...
> What does the suet do for the pudding, and can it just as easily be left
> out?
> What sort of "peel"? (This may sound silly to Englishmen, but I haven't
> heard of "peel" as an ingredient.)
Well, Wayne has answered for me, but he's correct. One thing to know,
though, is that the dessert called bread pudding here in the US is called
bread and butter pudding in the UK. Bread pudding in the UK is as I
described it in the recipe - totally different from B&B pudding.