Petey the Wonder Dog wrote:
> Far as I can tell, someone wrote:
> >Candied citrus peel. Orange, lemon, and citron are the usual peels.
> >Citrus peel is used in many British desserts. Also used in desserts
> >like ricotta pie, fruitcake, etc. Most American fruitcake recipes call
> >for candied peel, usually a combination of the three listed above.
> Thanks, Wayne. Can I substitute some zest and a bit of extra sugar?
You can substitute just about anything for bread pudding. It is very
versatile and there are thousands of recipes for it, all being
variations of stale bread soaked in milk and eggs, basically a bread
custard. You could use some peel, but that would have a much sharper
taste than the candied peel. You should not have any trouble finding
candied peel. It is usually in the same section of the grocery store as
other baking staples, right beside the preserved cherries.