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La Mirada La Mirada is offline
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Default Mystery of the rat-shaped KFC chicken is solved: It's a bird

On 6/22/2015 5:49 PM, Sqwertz wrote:
> This is not a "hoax" in my opinion.

Sqwertz wrote:

> On Mon, 22 Jun 2015 03:01:57 +0000 (UTC), Todd Michel McComb wrote:
>> Anyway, I don't want to diss Geoff, but I'm not feeling all this
>> sympathy either. Geoff's name is on that thread in large part
>> because Geoff liked to bait people in exactly that way. Enough
>> said.

> When I die and word comes across Usenet, I'm looking forward to no
> less than 3 immediate 100+ followup threads that are nothing but a
> pure shit-flinging brawl fueled by my detractors, my admirers, and the
> people who insist that I be respected in death. Plus at least one
> more lesser thread every year for another 5 years every time somebody
> mentions my name.
> Anything less, I would genuinely be surprised and very disappointed.
> You can't get that kind of feedback on Facebook!
> -sw

Rather than waiting until you die, I'll reply now. I've learned a lot
from you about food, both here and, years ago, on rfc when I used to
participate there. I assume you work in the food biz in some capacity;
if not, you're extremely knowledgeable for a non-professional. But
it's sometimes the case that I have to wade through an awful lot of
extraneous garbage -- like condecension, and fights with other posters
that are incomprehensible to me -- to get to your worthwhile comments.

I can only assume that it must have some importance to you to get
involved in those never-ending back-and-forth insult fests, otherwise
you wouldn't waste time writing them. Anyway, I still read your posts,
still occasionally learn something from them, and still do my best to
tune them out when they wander into displays of schoolyard
chest-thumping, but I almost never feel like engaging with you. Of
course I don't expect this to matter to you, and there's no reason why
it should.

Regarding Geoff, I wasn't a fan of his, neither his politics nor his
ideas about food. But it was his style of arguing that put me off, so
I rarely engaged with him. Too many of those arguments serve no
purpose other than some weird form of self-satisfaction for the
arguers, including me when I'd get hooked into one of them. By the
same token, there's no reason now for me to add my opinions to the
Geoff Miller thread.