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Default Fresh Cranberries

>> I have some organically grown fresh cranberries. What is a good healthy


I can't recall where I got this recipe, but my family loves it:

Cranberry Salsa

1 12-oz. bag of cranberries
1 clove garlic
1 or 2 jalapeno chiles
4 Tb. finely chopped cilantro
3 green onions, minced
Juice of 3 limes (1/3 cup)
1/2 cup sugar
salt and freshly ground black pepper, to taste

Boil cranberries for 1 minute in 1 quart water. Drain well.

Mince the garlic. Seed and mince the chiles. Combine with chopped cilatnro,
green onions, and the cranberries in a mixing bowl. Mix by hand, squeezing
some of the berries to pulp, leaving the rest whole.

Add lime juice, sugar, salt, and pepper as necessary. The mixture should be a
little sweet, a little sour, and very spicy. Serves 8.