"pavane" > wrote in
> "Michel Boucher" > wrote in message
> ...
>> (Patrick NY) wrote in
>> :
>> With all due respect to cancer victims, this bill only applies to
>> the 7% of the world's population living within the confines of
>> USAia, and even more precisely to that part which is female
>> (approx. 3.5001% of the world's population). Perhaps next time
>> you could be a bit more explicit and save the remaining 93% of
>> the world's population the trouble of trying to figure what this
>> is. Thank you.
> Meaning that those 7% are not important???
Meaning that those 7% are a limited constituency.
> That a bill protecting
> the welfare of that "3.5001%" should be ignored so you can puff up
> and make some utterly obscure and destructively ludicrous comment
> that you can show your amis in the brasserie? Or do you mean that
> your compatriots are too dumb to figure out that the context of
> the posted message was American? What a waste ...
Don't be ludicrous. There was no mention of the fact that this bill
was intended for USAians.
Next time I have things going only to Canadians, I'll post here and
not let you know in any way that this doesn't concern anyone else.
Heel, it wasn't even posted as OT. I'm well within the rules of
savoir-faire in complaining and you are not.
German to Picasso in front of Guernica: Did you do this?
Picasso to German in front of Guernica: No, it was you.