On 26/06/2015 4:23 PM, Janet wrote:
> In article >, says...
>> On 26/06/2015 7:33 AM, Janet wrote:
>>> Do any of you home bakers have a really good, tried and tested recipe
>>> for bread made with all three? I want J. to recreate some wonderful
>>> bread we ate on holiday.
>>> Janet UK
>> Please describe the loaf. Was it one of those enormous miches of Poilne
>> type?
>> Graham
> No, it was rectangular, made in a loaf tin; dark brown, quite dense
> and heavy and sour. With grains in. Wonderful with butter and honey.
> Janet UK
I made something similar a few weeks ago that was 70% rye flour and 30%
WW flour using a mature and very active rye sourdough starter. The WW
seemed to have little effect on the crumb and I think in future I'll
make it with 60% rye. Are you interested in the original recipe that
could easily be modified to include spelt.?
Do you have a rye SD starter? I was given some by the baking instructor
at the course I took at the local tech college. He didn't use specific
amounts to make it but you take, say, 25g of dark rye flour and mix with
water to a thick porridge consistency (about 18g water). After 2 days,
discard half and add more flour and water. Repeat daily for a week and
you should have a usable starter.