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Arri London
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jmcquown wrote:
> Preface: I don't have access to free-range eggs. There are no farmer's
> co-ops or anything like that near me and I've never seen them in the grocery
> stores near me.
> I went to buy some large eggs. I always open the carton to make sure they
> aren't cracked or broken. I noticed in every single instance, random
> checking of the cartons, all the *large* eggs appear to be quite a bit
> smaller than usual. Has anyone else run across this? Any idea why?
> Jill
> --
> I used to have a handle on life...but it broke off.

That happened quite some time back. I was doubtful until I compared some
'large' eggs with some 'pysanky' painted eggs I did years ago. Those too
were 'large' eggs when I bought them, but they are certainly larger than
what passes for large eggs now.