Thanks everyone for your both useful, and metrically education <grin>
In the end, as between the Bodum and the Philips, I decided that having
it tell me when it had boiled (the little bell) was reallly important to
me. Usually we set the water on, then go back to work at our computers
and get immersed and lost in work, so having that signal is really good
for us.
So I picked one up (couldn't find one anywhere - finally checked Target
- they were out, but I begged and the nice manager let me have the floor
model. <grin>.
We really like it. It boils 6 1/2 cups of water in 4 minutes, 12 in
about 6.
It takes a few seconds after reaching boiling to ding and shut off, so
if you get one, don't think that it won't do it (like we did) - it just
takes a moment.
I am: Mom, Attorney, Columnist, Advocate for Fathers and Against Spam (Personal blog) (Anti-Spam blog) (Fathers' Rights site)