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Opinicus[_3_] Opinicus[_3_] is offline
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Posts: 145
Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On Fri, 3 Jul 2015 23:49:05 -0700, "Julie Bove"
> wrote:

>Long story short, I have two open bottles of ketchup. I won't even get into
>that saga but there you have it. And I need the refrigerator space. And

Didn't we go through this a while ago? Oh well, here's you answer

"The problem's all inside your head" we said to her.
"Whilst extra lots of it you sometimes may incur.
"Condiment management is simply not a bur-
"den 'cause there's fifty things to do with ketchup."

We said "It's really not our habit to intrude
"Furthermore we hope our meaning won't be misconstrued
"But we'll repeat ourselves at risk of being crude
"There must be fifty things to do with ketchup.

"Fifty things to do with ketchup."

Sidera errantia quibus procella tenebrarum in aeternum servata est