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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"Julie Bove wrote:
>Long story short, I have two open bottles of ketchup. I won't even get into
>that saga but there you have it. And I need the refrigerator space.

Maybe you can consolidate by squeezing it all into one bottle. Ketchup
bottles are tall with a small footprint, maybe salvage space by
removing a fat assed squat dwarf bottle of something. A lot of folks
have jars and bottles in their fridge that are practically empty and
that really don't need to be refrigerated... if your fridge is so
crowded that there's no room for an extra ketchup bottle it's time you
did some housekeeping.

>And yes, open ketchup does need to be refrigerated these days. At least this
>kind does.

Ketchup is high in carbs, all that sugar, you shouldn't be eating any.
The label saying to refrigerate after opening is really only a
suggestion, mostly depends on climate and for how long before used up,
would be fine at normal room temperatiure for at least a year. I
refrigerate ketchup only because I prefer it cold, I mostly use it on
cold meat sandwiches... I roasted a third of a boneless pork loin two
days ago, good hot but also good cold for sandwiches. Right under
"Refrigerate After Opening" Heinz Red says "Shake Well Before Use", so
be sure to wear a good sports bra!