What Shut Down Your Garbage Disposall?
On 6/23/2015 8:48 PM, DreadfulBitch wrote:
> On 6/23/2015 4:38 PM, William wrote:
>> In think some of my tenants actually put gravel and chunks of concrete
>> down my disposall just for fun...more fun than watching tv! What were
>> you grinding when you shut it down? I have ground bones with warm
>> water running...did not stop my 1hp disposall
>> William
> i was never able to jam up any of the disposall brand disposalls, but
> when renting we had some sort of never heard of dispose all and i was
> able to completely jam it up with potato peelings one Thanksgiving.
> Really ****ed off the landlord's handyman, but he fixed it.
I've done that too with potato peels. After the first time getting
clogged, I now just put a few down at a time. I was able to unclog it
using a plunger.