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Gary Gary is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
> Gary wrote:
> > Didn't you say 'back then' you used to eat out of dumpsters? I'm sure
> > you did.
> >

> What I wrote was that when I lived on the street (I was 20 years old),
> I retrieved just thrown out cheeseburgers from the McDonald's dumpster.
> At that time, under those circumstances, I would have welcomed a plate
> of Carol's ketchup spaghetti sauce.

Definitely! I also would have welcomed those cheeseburgers from
McDonald's dumpster. heheh

BTW Bryan. You keep mentioning skateboard trips. I have a picture or
two of my times at a nice skatepark. I'll find them and post a tinypic
link here.
