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Roy[_2_] Roy[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 12:49:19 AM UTC-6, Julie Bove wrote:
> Long story short, I have two open bottles of ketchup. I won't even get into
> that saga but there you have it. And I need the refrigerator space. And
> yes, open ketchup does need to be refrigerated these days. At least this
> kind does.
> I also don't want to use the oven because there is no end in sight for this
> heat wave. But I did find an oven recipe that sounded interesting.
> I don't think any of us have ever eaten brisket but I see that Amazon Fresh
> has it in grass fed so that would be an option for a cooler day. However, I
> am not sure about the sauce. I have never actually made BBQ sauce because
> none of us like it and I have a feeling that the sauce might in fact be BBQ
> sauce.
> An obvious choice would be meatloaf but I have some in the freezer still and
> it also uses the oven.
> Then there are Sloppy Joes. None of us really like those much but I do find
> that making them from scratch is a bit better than Manwich and that ilk.
> I did mention the BBQ sauce. Don't want to go there or cocktail sauce.
> I thought that I made some sort of chicken some years ago that called for a
> lot of ketchup but I have no idea what it was called.
> And I have made those Crockpot meatballs with the ketchup and grape jelly.
> My friend swore that they were always wolfed down at his company parties but
> they were not wolfed down here.
> I know I have made something with those little wienies in the Crockpot and
> sometimes my husband will eat those. I can't remember what they had in them
> though. I want to say mostly ketchup with a little mustard.
> What am I missing here? There has got to be something obvious that I'm not
> thinking of.
> I know that ketchup can be used for cleaning various things but I'm really
> not interested in that. Aside from doing it once and being slightly amazed,
> I realize that there are other products that work way better than ketchup
> does.
> I also know that the ketchup bottle doesn't take up a lot of fridge space
> but I just hate having two of the same thing open and I'd like to use one
> up. Both are almost all the way full too! Grrr....
> Thanks!

Other than hiring someone to manage your household, I would top up one
bottle with ketchup. Then take the other one and run warm water into it
until all product is washed down the drain. Place the now emptied bottle
in the trash or recycling bin. Forget that you were so dumb and carry on
as usual. Looking for uses for surplus catchup is rather unrewarding
and a bloody waste of time.

Other than that solution, I would perhaps GIVE the extra bottle of ketchup
to a relative or friend or perhaps your "gardener"...I mean who wouldn't
welcome a nice near full bottle of ketchup?...Xmas in July...whoopee.