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Acme Bully Control Acme Bully Control is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/4/2015 5:15 PM, dsi1 wrote:
> On Saturday, July 4, 2015 at 10:40:00 AM UTC-10, Acme Bully Control wrote:
>> On 7/4/2015 2:18 PM, dsi1 wrote:
>>> On 7/3/2015 8:49 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>>> Long story short, I have two open bottles of ketchup. I won't even get
>>>> into that saga but there you have it. And I need the refrigerator
>>>> space. And yes, open ketchup does need to be refrigerated these days.
>>>> At least this kind does.
>>>> I also don't want to use the oven because there is no end in sight for
>>>> this heat wave. But I did find an oven recipe that sounded interesting.
>>>> I don't think any of us have ever eaten brisket but I see that Amazon
>>>> Fresh has it in grass fed so that would be an option for a cooler day.
>>>> However, I am not sure about the sauce. I have never actually made BBQ
>>>> sauce because none of us like it and I have a feeling that the sauce
>>>> might in fact be BBQ sauce.
>>>> An obvious choice would be meatloaf but I have some in the freezer still
>>>> and it also uses the oven.
>>>> Then there are Sloppy Joes. None of us really like those much but I do
>>>> find that making them from scratch is a bit better than Manwich and that
>>>> ilk.
>>>> I did mention the BBQ sauce. Don't want to go there or cocktail sauce.
>>>> I thought that I made some sort of chicken some years ago that called
>>>> for a lot of ketchup but I have no idea what it was called.
>>>> And I have made those Crockpot meatballs with the ketchup and grape
>>>> jelly. My friend swore that they were always wolfed down at his company
>>>> parties but they were not wolfed down here.
>>>> I know I have made something with those little wienies in the Crockpot
>>>> and sometimes my husband will eat those. I can't remember what they had
>>>> in them though. I want to say mostly ketchup with a little mustard.
>>>> What am I missing here? There has got to be something obvious that I'm
>>>> not thinking of.
>>>> I know that ketchup can be used for cleaning various things but I'm
>>>> really not interested in that. Aside from doing it once and being
>>>> slightly amazed, I realize that there are other products that work way
>>>> better than ketchup does.
>>>> I also know that the ketchup bottle doesn't take up a lot of fridge
>>>> space but I just hate having two of the same thing open and I'd like to
>>>> use one up. Both are almost all the way full too! Grrr....
>>>> Thanks!
>>> I love ketchup. It's one of the greatest inventions ever! I use it a
>>> lot. I use it in stir fry and teriyaki sauce and it's used by Asian
>>> cooks - but don't tell anyone about that. That's one of the secrets of
>>> the mysterious east. :-)

>> I have one word - Jufran!

> I have had Jufran. Mostly it's what the guys on the islands West of us like to use. OTOH, the bottles that I've checked recently looked funny. Translucent and gelatinous so I had to pass on them. I will be on the lookout though.

It's very cool tasting stuff, our bottle here are thick like ketchup.

Perhaps yours are old?