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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

Ed Pawlowski wrote in

> On 7/5/2015 8:12 AM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
> > > > This is too trashy for the regular White Trash Cookbook, but
> > > > you could try to get it into the White TrashIER Cookbook.
> > >
> > > Didn't you say 'back then' you used to eat out of dumpsters? I'm
> > > sure you did.
> > >

> > What I wrote was that when I lived on the street (I was 20 years
> > old), I retrieved just thrown out cheeseburgers from the McDonald's
> > dumpster.
> >
> > At that time, under those circumstances, I would have welcomed a
> > plate of Carol's ketchup spaghetti sauce.

> And you have since morphed into an elitist that criticizes other
> people use of store bought mayonnaise.

It's ok Ed. That recipe was based on a last ditch effort for what
Julie had and is known to have and eat.

It wasn't a great one by any means, nor was it expected to be. I said
right up front it would be too sweet to be really good.

Meantime, it probably does fit what she really makes. Me, I'd have
tossed the excess ketchup and used canned tomatoes and lots of spices.
