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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> Ed Pawlowski wrote in
>> On 7/5/2015 8:12 AM, Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
>> > > > This is too trashy for the regular White Trash Cookbook, but
>> > > > you could try to get it into the White TrashIER Cookbook.
>> > >
>> > > Didn't you say 'back then' you used to eat out of dumpsters? I'm
>> > > sure you did.
>> > >
>> > What I wrote was that when I lived on the street (I was 20 years
>> > old), I retrieved just thrown out cheeseburgers from the McDonald's
>> > dumpster.
>> >
>> > At that time, under those circumstances, I would have welcomed a
>> > plate of Carol's ketchup spaghetti sauce.

>> And you have since morphed into an elitist that criticizes other
>> people use of store bought mayonnaise.

> It's ok Ed. That recipe was based on a last ditch effort for what
> Julie had and is known to have and eat.
> It wasn't a great one by any means, nor was it expected to be. I said
> right up front it would be too sweet to be really good.
> Meantime, it probably does fit what she really makes. Me, I'd have
> tossed the excess ketchup and used canned tomatoes and lots of spices.

Nonsense! I eat nothing of the sort. I do know how to make good Italian
food. I see what you're doing now. Kill file me and keep insulting me.
Again and again...