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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"jmcquown" > wrote in message
> On 7/5/2015 7:06 AM, Gary wrote:
>> Ophelia wrote:
>>> I decided to have a wee Google ...

>> Thanks for looking all that up, Oph.
>> I've saved this message to look at all the links eventually. So far, I
>> just looked at the first one:

>> Some good ideas there but I loved and laughed at this one....
>> "If your pet has been rolling in fox poo you can wash them and
>> soak ketchup into the fur for half an hour to get rid of the smell."
>> If your pet has been rolling in fox poo? LMAO! :-D
>> Gary:
>> "And by the way, Mia...don't EVER let me catch you rolling around in
>> fox poo!"

> I'll try not to let Buffy roll around in fox poo, either.
> That same tip said, "Lots of people claim that ketchup is great for
> getting rid of the smell of skunks in clothes and pets."
> I have heard a tomato juice bath is good if you've been sprayed by a
> skunk. I wouldn't know, I've never encountered a skunk. Same principle?
> Both are (usually) tomato products...

I've heard that too but recently I have heard that it just doesn't work. I
know that we used to sell a lot of disposable douche. It was good for skunk
odor. I think far more was used for that than what the original purpose