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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"cshenk" > wrote in message
> jmcquown wrote in
>> On 7/5/2015 11:13 AM, Roy wrote in reply to Julie:
>> > > I also know that the ketchup bottle doesn't take up a lot of
>> > > fridge space
>> > > > but I just hate having two of the same thing open and I'd like
>> > > > to use one up. Both are almost all the way full too! Grrr....
>> > > >
>> > > > Thanks!

>> > Other than hiring someone to manage your household, I would top up
>> > one bottle with ketchup. Then take the other one and run warm water
>> > into it until all product is washed down the drain. Place the now
>> > emptied bottle in the trash or recycling bin. Forget that you were
>> > so dumb and carry on as usual. Looking for uses for surplus catchup
>> > is rather unrewarding and a bloody waste of time.
>> >
>> > Other than that solution, I would perhaps GIVE the extra bottle of
>> > ketchup to a relative or friend or perhaps your "gardener"...I mean
>> > who wouldn't welcome a nice near full bottle of ketchup?...Xmas in
>> > July...whoopee. ====

>> LOL I enjoyed that summation, Roy.
>> Jill

> Grin, I'd have put it up on freecycle in case another wanted it.

I would not use them for anything. Just not necessarily a safe thing to do.
Not in this area anyway.