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Troll Disposal Service[_2_] Troll Disposal Service[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 563
Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/5/2015 7:36 PM, Troll Disposal Service wrote:
> On 7/6/2015 7:58 AM, Julie Bove wrote:
>>> I have heard a tomato juice bath is good if you've been sprayed by a
>>> skunk. I wouldn't know, I've never encountered a skunk. Same
>>> principle? Both are (usually) tomato products...

>> I've heard that too but recently I have heard that it just doesn't
>> work. I know that we used to sell a lot of disposable douche. It was
>> good for skunk odor. I think far more was used for that than what the
>> original purpose was.

> Please douche your brain. It stinks.

Bodine FRAUD.