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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"dsi1" > wrote in message

>>>>> I'm sorta famous in this family for my ketchup based steak sauce that
>>>>> I've made for years. One time, I mixed up a batch in a restaurant.
>>>> What did the chef think to that?
>>> I was using the stuff at the table. I encourage everybody to mix up
>>> their own sauces using what's available on the table. :-)

>> Oh I see I thought you were teaching the chef

> Teaching a chef is one thing I do not want to do. That's dangerous grounds
> right there! OTOH, I did show my daughter's boyfriend how I make pizza
> dough. I also gave him a recipe for custard pie that he made for the
> restaurant he works for. They told him they might add it to their menu. I
> don't know what became of that.

Nevertheless, that was very kind of you
