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Julie Bove[_2_] Julie Bove[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"dsi1" > wrote in message
> LOL!
> Watch some Brownies games - I suspect this man will be a total force.

Putting your body in the path of one of these guys is not something you want
to do - unless you're getting paid an ungodly amount of money to do it.

My understanding is that people on the mainland don't typically hug people
that are non-family members. I did not know this. Things sure are different
on the mainland! I typically will hug my clients although my understanding
is that's considered unprofessional behavior over there. That's a pity!


Depends on the person. I worked with a hugger once. I don't think most
people do hug though. At least I haven't noticed too many that do.