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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/6/2015 6:35 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "dsi1" > wrote in message
> ...
>> LOL!
>> Watch some Brownies games - I suspect this man will be a total force.

> Putting your body in the path of one of these guys is not something you
> want to do - unless you're getting paid an ungodly amount of money to do
> it.
> My understanding is that people on the mainland don't typically hug
> people that are non-family members. I did not know this. Things sure are
> different on the mainland! I typically will hug my clients although my
> understanding is that's considered unprofessional behavior over there.
> That's a pity!
> ---
> Depends on the person. I worked with a hugger once. I don't think most
> people do hug though. At least I haven't noticed too many that do.

I didn't care much for human contact myself. This is typical for a geek.
OTOH, when I changed my job from technician to manager, I had to
reinvent myself. These days I'm hugging and kissing all over the place.
The most unexpected thing about all this is that I'm actually good at
communicating with people. My dad was always a great communicator. He
was the kind of guy that could inspire trust in people. I never thought
I would be.