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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"dsi1" > wrote in message

>> It is indeed, life needs a LOT more hugs!

> We're one big happy family. The young people call their elders "uncle"
> or "auntie" so we do have a tendency to treat others as clan members here.
> I suspect it's the same way on all the little rocks across the Pacific.

That's how it used to be here, but now the youngsters call their seniors by
their first names. It is not an improvement.

> My wife's auntie came over from Washington state last week. Boy was she
> full of hugs and kisses. She was quite a jolly sort. It was not what I was
> expecting because her son died about 2 months ago. I thought that was
> curious but I don't really know her that well. Boy, life is one dangerous
> place - any one of us can go at any time!

It was probably a great comfort to her after the loss of her son.

Hugging here is not normally a 'close' thing with folk we don't know. It is
on a par with 'air kissing' )
