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jmcquown[_2_] jmcquown[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/7/2015 3:37 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> My understanding is that people on the mainland

dsi1, please ttop talking about the "mainland" as if Hawaii is not part
of the USA. It is. Maybe you should venture out.
> I'm not into public hugging at all, I don't hug strangers and I don't
> like hugging family members either, and I definitely don't hug any
> males... I feel uncomfortable hugging most females too because I
> always consider hugging a very intimate sexual expression... I don't
> feel uncomforatable shaking a female's hand but pressing her boobs and
> loins up against me takes me to a whole nother place, for me that's
> not a greeting, that's a proposition.

You dream about this, don't you Sheldon? I'm sure most females avoid
hugging you, too. God knows you might find a reason to feel their
boobs. Get over it. No one wants you to feel them up.

> I consider strangers hugging in
> a public setting more than rude, I consider that a psychological
> assault. I've tended to avoid affairs where there's dancing,
> especially if there's also drinking, unless I have a date.

Yeah, you have lots of dates.

> A lot of women love to dance and their husbands don't but I'm a pretty good
> dancer... without going into details lets just say when a lot of women
> have a drink too many and it's their kind of music things have gotten
> more intimate than is proper in public.

Please keep dreaming.

> I don't see anything neutral
> about hugging... you want to say hello shake hands, hugging is too
> affectionate, way over the line.

No one would be *that* affectionate with you. I have seen people hug
when they have done something nice for someone else. People don't have
to be involved in a sexual relationship to give someone a quick hug.
