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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/7/2015 2:53 PM, jmcquown wrote:
> On 7/7/2015 3:37 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>>> My understanding is that people on the mainland

> dsi1, please ttop talking about the "mainland" as if Hawaii is not part
> of the USA. It is. Maybe you should venture out.

I've lived on the mainland and have seen how things are. I'm all too
familiar with how it all goes down there. The reality is that Hawaii and
the mainland are worlds apart.

>> I'm not into public hugging at all, I don't hug strangers and I don't
>> like hugging family members either, and I definitely don't hug any
>> males... I feel uncomfortable hugging most females too because I
>> always consider hugging a very intimate sexual expression... I don't
>> feel uncomforatable shaking a female's hand but pressing her boobs and
>> loins up against me takes me to a whole nother place, for me that's
>> not a greeting, that's a proposition.

> You dream about this, don't you Sheldon? I'm sure most females avoid
> hugging you, too. God knows you might find a reason to feel their
> boobs. Get over it. No one wants you to feel them up.
>> I consider strangers hugging in
>> a public setting more than rude, I consider that a psychological
>> assault. I've tended to avoid affairs where there's dancing,
>> especially if there's also drinking, unless I have a date.

> Yeah, you have lots of dates.
>> A lot of women love to dance and their husbands don't but I'm a
>> pretty good
>> dancer... without going into details lets just say when a lot of women
>> have a drink too many and it's their kind of music things have gotten
>> more intimate than is proper in public.

> Please keep dreaming.
>> I don't see anything neutral
>> about hugging... you want to say hello shake hands, hugging is too
>> affectionate, way over the line.

> No one would be *that* affectionate with you. I have seen people hug
> when they have done something nice for someone else. People don't have
> to be involved in a sexual relationship to give someone a quick hug.
> Jill