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Acme Bully Control Acme Bully Control is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/8/2015 5:57 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> It is indeed, life needs a LOT more hugs!

more hugs less BUSH

Whenever the deep thinkers of the Republican establishment glance at
their bulging clown car of presidential hopefuls — with out-there Dr.
Ben Carson, exorcist Bobby Jindal, loudmouth Chris Christie and
bankruptcy expert Donald Trump jammed against Sens. Rand Paul and Ted
Cruz, to name a few — they inevitably start chattering about “Jeb Bush.”

Never mind that his father was a one-term wonder of no great distinction
or that his brother is already a serious contender, in the eyes of
historians, for worst president of the past 100 years. And never mind
that on the issues most controversial among party activists —
immigration and Common Core educational standards — he is an accursed

Lacking any especially attractive alternative, powerful Republicans are
pushing Bush to run in 2016. And he seems to be on the cusp of a
decision. Besides, more than a few Democrats agree that Bush, however
damaged his family brand, would be the most formidable candidate
available to the GOP. They, too, whisper about him as “the only one who
could beat Hillary Clinton.”