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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/7/2015 4:38 PM, Julie Bove wrote:
> "Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> ...
>> On 7/7/2015 8:53 PM, jmcquown wrote:
>>> On 7/7/2015 3:37 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>>>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>> My understanding is that people on the mainland
>>> dsi1, please ttop talking about the "mainland" as if Hawaii is not part
>>> of the USA. It is. Maybe you should venture out.

>> I've always heard of the continental 48 states referred to as
>> "mainland". The culture is much different that what we have. How
>> would you differentiate? We talk about southern states, left coast,
>> northern, etc.

> Agree. Alaska has many differences as well. I had a friend from Hawaii
> and she had to learn to adjust to the foods that we had here.

What you probably don't know is that eBay won't sell a lot of stuff to
Hawaii or Alaska. I have no idea why. We get treated like we're Nigerians!