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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

In article >, lid

> What you probably don't know is that eBay won't sell a lot of stuff to
> Hawaii or Alaska. I have no idea why. We get treated like we're Nigerians!

Probably shipping costs or arrangements. We get the same thing from
the rest of the UK (even affects mainland Scotland in the north, but
especially islands like mine); many businesses just don't want the
hassle of distant customers. My post code (and probably Sheila V's)
often features in a little list of areas we don't serve.

More fool them; more efficient businesses who make a point of serving
the islands, are getting all their customers.

Bad enough when some bozo on the UK mainland doesn't realise UK
islands have ferries and delivery services; or witters they would "have
to pay air freight" It makes me really mad when they try to slap a "long
distance" delivery surcharge on something small enough to be posted;
within the UK postal charges are the same in all areas regardless of

Janet UK