Thread: IBeDraggin'
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maxine in ri
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Melba's Jammin' wrote:
> The Great Minnesota Get-Together starts a week from tomorrow. Yesterday
> I took my 20 canning entries in for judging (won't know the outcome
> until the 26th). We are having some incredibly spectacular baking
> weather today so that's what I'm doing.
> I registered five yeast breads (they'll be delivered for judging on
> Sunday) just for the helluva it. I haven't baked any bread in about
> 1-1/2 years, I think. If I've said I have, I lied. :0/ I baked my
> white bread on Sunday and, m'friends, it is perfect in my sight. The
> entry loaf is in the freezer. Today, I've made the Whole Wheat stuff,
> another batch of white just for the heckuva it, and currently have the
> raisin bread dough raising. The two left are herb bread and rye bread.
> I've won ribbons for the rye bread (it's a sweet rye, not a caraway),
> the wheat, and The White Bread (my Triumph!!!). We'll see what this
> years' judges think when they sample the goods on Sunday afternoon.

There's no loss of quality when the breads are frozen? I've had
people complain that our freezer breads taste "stale", even after
only 1 day in the double-bagged deep freeze.

maxine in ri
who tried to respond to your note a couple of weeks ago, and was rejected.