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S Viemeister[_2_] S Viemeister[_2_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/8/2015 12:06 PM, S Viemeister wrote:
> On 7/8/2015 11:39 AM, Janet wrote:
>> Probably shipping costs or arrangements. We get the same thing from
>> the rest of the UK (even affects mainland Scotland in the north, but
>> especially islands like mine); many businesses just don't want the
>> hassle of distant customers. My post code (and probably Sheila V's)
>> often features in a little list of areas we don't serve.

> Yes - IV 27. It covers a vast area, including Inverness, which has a
> railhead, an international airport, a seaport, and modern roads.

(correction - IVxx includes Inverness, IV27 is the large area in the
> People in Thurso have it bad, too - for some odd reason they have a
> Kirkwall postcode, so are assumed to be on an island.
>> It makes me really mad when they try to slap a "long
>> distance" delivery surcharge on something small enough to be posted;
>> within the UK postal charges are the same in all areas regardless of
>> distance.

> And the local posties can actually find my house...