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Acme Bully Control Acme Bully Control is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/9/2015 6:12 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:

> A great way to transfer diseases, and not just the common cold.

Donald Trump: “Only An Idiot Opposes The Confederate Flag”

Real Estate Tycoon and business man, Donald Trump, announced via Twitter
that he supported the Confederate Flag. “Only an idiot opposes the
Confederate Flag” read Trump’s tweet. Trump continued to rant stating
that the flag is apart of everyone’s heritage and should fly on every
government building in the south. “Schools, churches, post offices
should all be allowed to proudly fly the Confederate Flag. There’s
nothing racist about it. Black people are acting as if its a KFC flag”
says Trump. The Confederate Flag has been the center of debate following
the racially-motivated church shhoting masacre in South Carolina. It has
been proposed to make flying the Confederate flag illegal at state and
federal buildings.