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dsi1[_15_] dsi1[_15_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/8/2015 10:12 AM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Tue, 07 Jul 2015 21:55:37 -1000, dsi1
> > wrote:
>> On 7/7/2015 9:40 PM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>>> ...
>>>> On 7/7/2015 9:57 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> It is indeed, life needs a LOT more hugs!
>>>>>> We're one big happy family. The young people call their elders
>>>>>> "uncle"
>>>>>> or "auntie" so we do have a tendency to treat others as clan members
>>>>>> here.
>>>>>> I suspect it's the same way on all the little rocks across the Pacific.
>>>>> That's how it used to be here, but now the youngsters call their seniors
>>>>> by
>>>>> their first names. It is not an improvement.
>>>>>> My wife's auntie came over from Washington state last week. Boy was she
>>>>>> full of hugs and kisses. She was quite a jolly sort. It was not what I
>>>>>> was
>>>>>> expecting because her son died about 2 months ago. I thought that was
>>>>>> curious but I don't really know her that well. Boy, life is one
>>>>>> dangerous
>>>>>> place - any one of us can go at any time!
>>>>> It was probably a great comfort to her after the loss of her son.
>>>>> Hugging here is not normally a 'close' thing with folk we don't know.
>>>>> It is on a par with 'air kissing' )
>>>> I guess we're like France in that respect! OTOH, the Maoris will press
>>>> their foreheads and tips of their noses together and share a breath.
>>>> That's kind of cool.
>>> Hmmm that could depend on what they had been eating I suppose, but no, I
>>> would hate to exchange breath with anyone

>> You got a very good point there!

> A great way to transfer diseases, and not just the common cold.

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