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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"Gary" > wrote in message ...
> S Viemeister wrote:
>> On 7/9/2015 4:24 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> >
>> > It was, thank you. Today won't be quite so hot, so we are going to
>> > Whitby on the North Yorkshire Coast for the best fish and chips in the
>> > world!

>> It used to be Helmsdale that had the world's best fish and chips!

> For the first time ever, I bought a bottle of malt vinegar this
> morning. Never had it before but I know you UK ppl swear by it on
> chips (our french fries).
> For you in the know, it's "Original London Pub" malt vinegar.
> "Traditional British Flavor." Did I do good? Is this a good brand?
> I'll do some frying soon and give it a try. I assume just a tiny
> sprinkle once the fries/chips are out, draining, and S&P added. ?

Not sure how you will like it if you are not used to it. I grew up with it
and today, I had a lot of salt and a lot of malt vinegar!!!
I've never put pepper on my fish and chips .. ymmv. Just salt and vinegar.

Try it out with just a couple of chips first to see if you like it. It
would be shame to spoil the rest if you don't.

Oh and do report back
