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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"dsi1" > wrote in message

>> What a pity you were not in Whitby with us this afternoon!!
>> Wonderful))
>> The only problem was that I have a small appetite and the portions were
>> huge!!! Still, the dog helped me out

> You got the right! My main problem now is where the heck can I get fish
> and chips on this rock! We eat a lot of fish over here but most of it is
> raw. My guess is that the Denny's in town will have it. OTOH, I suppose I
> could fry some up myself - I got a fryer full of nasty-ass oil.

I make my own at home. If it helps this is what I use for my batter:

400g plain flour, put in the freezer for 15 minutes before using
3tsp baking powder
550ml very cold fizzy water (you can use beer but we don't like it).
4 pieces of cod (or your favourite white fish)

I always dust the fish first in a little flour; it helps the batter to
