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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"dsi1" > wrote in message
> On 7/9/2015 11:30 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>> ...
>>>> What a pity you were not in Whitby with us this afternoon!!
>>>> Wonderful))
>>>> The only problem was that I have a small appetite and the portions were
>>>> huge!!! Still, the dog helped me out
>>> You got the right! My main problem now is where the heck can I get
>>> fish and chips on this rock! We eat a lot of fish over here but most
>>> of it is raw. My guess is that the Denny's in town will have it. OTOH,
>>> I suppose I could fry some up myself - I got a fryer full of nasty-ass
>>> oil.

>> I make my own at home. If it helps this is what I use for my batter:
>> 400g plain flour, put in the freezer for 15 minutes before using
>> 3tsp baking powder
>> 550ml very cold fizzy water (you can use beer but we don't like it).
>> 4 pieces of cod (or your favourite white fish)
>> I always dust the fish first in a little flour; it helps the batter to
>> stick.

> Sounds great! The best part is that it's simple - I don't really need a
> recipe. Thanks!

True Nor I (I've been using it for too long) but that is what
the recipe is. Try it with beer, it seems to be very popular, but it makes
it too strong for us. Oh yes and add a bit of salt too. I cook mine in
light oil at about 175c for between 5 and 10 mins depending on the thickness
of the fish. Experiment to see how you like it best.

Report back if you get around to it.
