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Ophelia[_14_] Ophelia[_14_] is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

"dsi1" > wrote in message
> On Thursday, July 9, 2015 at 9:41:46 PM UTC-10, Ophelia wrote:
>> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>> ...
>> > On 7/9/2015 11:30 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>> >>
>> >>
>> >> "dsi1" > wrote in message
>> >> ...
>> >>
>> >>>> What a pity you were not in Whitby with us this afternoon!!
>> >>>> Wonderful))
>> >>>> The only problem was that I have a small appetite and the portions
>> >>>> were
>> >>>> huge!!! Still, the dog helped me out
>> >>>
>> >>> You got the right! My main problem now is where the heck can I get
>> >>> fish and chips on this rock! We eat a lot of fish over here but most
>> >>> of it is raw. My guess is that the Denny's in town will have it.
>> >>> OTOH,
>> >>> I suppose I could fry some up myself - I got a fryer full of
>> >>> nasty-ass
>> >>> oil.
>> >>
>> >> I make my own at home. If it helps this is what I use for my batter:
>> >>
>> >> 400g plain flour, put in the freezer for 15 minutes before using
>> >> 3tsp baking powder
>> >> 550ml very cold fizzy water (you can use beer but we don't like it).
>> >> 4 pieces of cod (or your favourite white fish)
>> >>
>> >> I always dust the fish first in a little flour; it helps the batter to
>> >> stick.
>> >>
>> >
>> > Sounds great! The best part is that it's simple - I don't really need a
>> > recipe. Thanks!

>> True Nor I (I've been using it for too long) but that is what
>> the recipe is. Try it with beer, it seems to be very popular, but it
>> makes
>> it too strong for us. Oh yes and add a bit of salt too. I cook mine in
>> light oil at about 175c for between 5 and 10 mins depending on the
>> thickness
>> of the fish. Experiment to see how you like it best.
>> Report back if you get around to it.
>> --

> I shall report back to you. BTW, I did have some fish tonight. No chips
> though. Oddly enough, it was at a place called "Hot Dog on a Stick." They
> serve a great English-style fried fish. I could have ordered French fries
> with that but instead, I had the fish with a most unexpected thing - fried
> zucchini. Normally, I would never order zucchini over potatoes but a large
> spear of battered and fried zucchini is a most wonderful thing.
> This is served with a generous portion of tartar sauce and ranch dressing.
> Unfortunately, there was no malt vinegar anywhere to be seen. Beats me why
> not. They probably don't realize they're serving great fish in the English
> style or maybe they don't want to go down that road. The place is unique
> in that they specialize in real lemonade made from fresh lemons. This
> makes a good foil for the fried food.
> Normally I don't ever go to Hot Dog on a Stick because they make those
> poor young women wear uniforms that have to be the most degrading fast
> food uniforms ever and, let's face it, chances are slim that one is not
> going to feel a little sick after having a platter consisting entirely of
> fried food. OTOH, I'm just darned pleased that I went there.
> 53bC24QULQ

Jolly good) btw if I were you, I would try the malt vinegar on chips
first before using it on the fish. Myself I put loads on the fish, chips
and mushy peas as well, but then I grew up with it)
