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brooklyn1 brooklyn1 is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 10:36:26 -0400, Gary > wrote:

>Ophelia wrote:
>> Myself I put loads on the fish, chips
>> and mushy peas as well, but then I grew up with it)

>What is your recipe for "mushy peas?" My daughter loved my mom's
>"mushy peas" but they were just canned peas cooked to death. Is your
>version different?

I haven't bought canned peas since I can't remember when... I prefer
frozen peas, and I rarely heat them let alone cook them... I like
frozen green peas marinated with beans or just defrosted in a tossed
salad. I used to grow green peas but they are too much work to pick
and hull, instead I grow sugar snap peas, no hulling, eat them hull
and all, no cooking either. To me mushy peas means dried pea suop...
now I'm reminded that I have two 1 qt containers in the freezer from
last winter... should defrost one for tomorrow's lunch, will go well
with an SLT on rye.