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Acme Bully Control Acme Bully Control is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/11/2015 3:35 AM, gtr wrote:
> On 2015-07-04 06:49:05 +0000, Julie Bove said:
>> Long story short, I have two open bottles of ketchup.

> Very long story short: It can't be done. Throw one bottle away.

Jeb Bush Wants Us to Forget His Election Fraud that Stole the White
House for George |via Occupy Democrats

As Jeb Bush prepares for his imminent presidential campaign, the
American people must keep in mind just who this man is and the crimes he
committed rigging the 2000 presidential election, which put his brother
George W. in the Oval Office, set us on the road to the Iraq War, the
Great Recession, destroyed America’s standing in the world, altered
American history forever.

Jeb Bush just so happened to be the Governor of Florida during that
election, and as you may recall, the Florida vote was so close that
recounts were requested and eventually declared his brother the winner.
Katherine Harris, Jeb’s secretary of state and the co-chair of the
George W. campaign, organized the election system that somehow ended up
losing or spoiling the ballots of hundreds of thousands of
African-American voters, who just so coincidentally tend to vote
Democratic. During the recount period, it is documented that the
Governor’s office made 95 calls to the Bush campaign- calls which Jeb
somehow “cannot remember” the reason for. That answer is unacceptable
for allegations of such importance. Why can’t you remember, Jeb?

For once the whole story comes together, the evidence is hard to ignore.
Vanity Fair reported that “Information came pouring in faster than
anyone could digest it—about polling places that had been understaffed,
about voters who had been sent on wild-goose chases to find their
polling places, about blacks barred from voting, and about police
roadblocks to keep people from the polls.” Commissioner Victoria Wilson
of the US Commission on Civil Rights concluded that “There emerges a
confluence of circumstances that indicates intimidation and harassment
of the Florida voters, and that was set in motion long before the
November election.”
State apparatus, officials, and employees were all mobilized in order to
perpetrate this fraud, and there are only two conclusions– the first
that Jeb Bush and the machinations of Karl Rove organized and
perpetrated the most egregious voter fraud in American history, or that
he was such an incompetent leader that he failed to notice what was
happening right under his nose. Either way, it is criminal subversion of
the democratic principles which we hold dear, and the fact that him and
his whole team got away with it is appalling.

All this was fifteen years ago, and now Jeb is eyeing the throne for his
own self. We should remember just what kind of a man he is, and what he
is responsible for. The man who in 1994 openly admitted he would do
“probably nothing” for the African-American community in Florida, and
then systematically disenfranchised the voting rights of hundreds of
thousands of his own constituents. The man who aided and abetted the
biggest election steal in history, setting us up for a catastrophic
invasion of Iraq and the groundwork for the Great Recession. During this
election, the media should take him to task for just what those phone
calls were about. “I don’t remember” just doesn’t cut it, and America
deserves answers.