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Troll Disposal Service[_2_] Troll Disposal Service[_2_] is offline
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Posts: 563
Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

On 7/11/2015 9:57 AM, sf wrote:
> On Fri, 10 Jul 2015 10:19:35 -1000, dsi1
> > wrote:
>> They must have put a committee together to come up with a name so
>> unappealing. I was eating wasabi peas yesterday and pondering how they
>> got the peas so big.

> I tried wasabi peas once. Didn't like them, not fattening enough.

Standard Definition


[n] walking with a waddling gait; walking with short steps and the
weight shifting from one foot to the other
[v] walk unsteadily, as of a really fat, ugly ****