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sf[_9_] sf[_9_] is offline
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Default Hungary and Paprika

On Sat, 11 Jul 2015 09:30:45 -0700, gtr > wrote:

> So I'm working my way through "Culinaria: Hungary" and I see the
> constant description of sauteeing onions, sometimes preceded by bacon
> and other such stuff. Then I am instructed to "remove from heat and
> sprinkle over (usually a tbs of) the paprika". They always word it like
> that which is amusing enough.
> In any case we later add this and that and simmer this long and so
> forth with out mention of putting it back on the heat. But always we
> *remove from heat* and sprinkle in the paprika.
> Anyone have a guess as to why this is supposed to take place while
> removed from heat?
> Incidentally, I had no idea that a heaping helping of paprika had the
> potential to make simple dishes so tasty.

It's probably so you don't burn the paprika. My ex-SIL is re-married
to a Hungarian and she says meals aren't complete (in his mind) unless
they contain peppers. I guess paprika counts as pepper although I
don't recall her mentioning it as part of her cooking. I should make
it a point to ask her about that sometime.

