Why Is the Federal Government Afraid of Fat?
On 11/07/2015 7:26 AM, Gary wrote:
> Bryan-TGWWW wrote:
>> Ophelia wrote:
>>> "Gary" wrote
>>>> The all fat Atkins diet was just a fad diet. So was the low/no carb
>>>> diet. Bottom line is just eat a balanced diet and eat less calories
>>>> than you burn.
>> Atkins is not "all fat." It IS high fat, low carb, high fiber. It IS a
>> "balanced diet," but the balance is high fat, rather than high carb. Why is
>> a regimen that is 25% calories from protein, 65% fat and 10% carb less
>> "balanced" than 25% protein, 65% carb and 10% fat?
>>> It has always worked for me, but I have to say, I only ever went on it for a
>>> few weeks and I always dropped the pounds I wanted it to.
>> It is very effective.
> So are all the other fad diets. I used the Scarsdale diet and lost a
> lot of weight very quickly. Good thing about the Adkins diet is that
> it's high fat. Eat a high fat meal and you don't feel hungry so
> quickly.
The only diet that works for me is the Graham Diet! I cut out or
strictly ration bread, eat more non-sugary vegetables (e.g. carrots),
eat smaller amounts and get out on my bike more often.