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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Foods that use a lot of ketchup

In article >, says...
> >
> > Janet wrote:
> >
> > > Gary says...
> > >> I was in the grocery store this morning. I looked for marrowfat peas
> > >> in the dried and the canned sections. No luck.
> > >>
> > >> I bought a can of sweet peas and a dried bag of split peas. Different,
> > >> I know, but I'll bet you I can simulate "mushy peas" by combining
> > >> those.
> > >
> > > You just lost your bet. Sweet and split peas can never equal the
> > >texture, let alone the flavour, of mushy peas.
> > >
> > > Janet UK

> >
> > If he really wants to try 'proper' mushy peas, he should take up my
> > offer. There are no substitutes, especially not the sort sf posted
> > lol

> But wouldn't it be funny if us "upstart" Americans actually improved
> on your UK mushy peas recipes? heheheh

It would be truly amazing.

Janet UK