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Paul Wolsko > wrote in

> Sort-of. I brine my poultry and piggy. I use 1/2 cup Kosher salt and
> 1/2 cup sugar in a quart of water (or enough water to cover the stuff
> and refrigerate for a few hours. Then dry and prepare.
> May be silly, but that's what I do. If you buy Empire chicken, this
> isn't necessary, as it's already Koshered.
> Paul

I always wash/rinse my chickens (parts or whole) even if I brine. Who knows
where it's been. Same with everything I cook and eat. I think that's part
of preping the feed for cooking or it should be. Just one upset meatpacker
with a attitude could give you a bad case of most anything from the trots
to a liver diease. Same with the pimple faced teenager stacking your
veggies who doesn't wash his hand prior to touching the produce.

Last year's nuts must go.
- Michael Odom