On Friday, July 10, 2015 at 12:44:05 PM UTC-10, Dave Smith wrote:
> What a ripoff!!! My son had offered to take me to a Mark Knopfler
> concert for my birthday. He is playing at the Niagara Falls casino in
> October. He was going to try to get tickets when they went on sale
> today at noon. He called the other day to suggest that I try to get them
> too in case he had trouble. As it turned out, we both had the
> ticketmaster site open at noon and tried as soon as the clock turned.
> Sold Out!!!!! seconds after they went on sale ??????????
> He tried another outlet. There were some tickets available.
> Ticketmaster had listed seats as costing from $97 to $147.. but none
> available. Another agency had separate seats, but there price was $175-
> $350.
> Knopfler is IMP one of the world's greatest guitarists, but I am not
> going to pay that much to see him play, and I sure as hell am not going
> to get sucked into that scam.
The last concert I was saw Kenny Rankin. It was a great concert! He died shortly after that. I guess we lucked out because I would have felt awful if I blew off my last chance to see him play.